blog archive
Blog Archive of Past Writings
Our Brains (August 22, 2024)
Traffic Lights
(July 29, 2024)
Comic Strips (July 15, 2024)
Skyscrapers (July 7, 2024)
Learning to Ride a Bicycle
Trusting Others – Trusting Ourselves (June 7, 2024
ESP, Fortune Telling, and Reincarnation
(May 18, 2024)
Lost Memories (May 2, 2024)

Sunsets (April 20, 2024)
Spirals (March 28, 2024)
(March 20, 2024)

Card Games (March 1, 2024)
 Imagination (February 15, 2924
Sensations, Perceptions, and Concepts (February 1, 2024)
(January 18, 2024)
(January 3, 2024)
Prehistoric Art (December 14, 2023)
Behold the Miraculous! (December 1, 2023)

Our Brains
(August 22, 2024)

Our brains house billions of nerve cells, intricately arranged to formulate and coordinate various aspects of our existence, including thought, emotion, memory, behavior, movement, and sensation. This complex network of neurons serves as the vital link between our brain and the rest of our body. While all components of our brain work in harmony, each part assumes responsibility for specific functions, ranging from regulating our heart rate to influencing our mood.

Within the realm of brain functions, there exist three notions that I personally believe to be true, despite skepticism from the scientific community. Firstly, I am a firm believer in the existence of genetic memories. These memories, deeply embedded within our brains, harken back to our origins as conscious beings. Although science currently refutes this possibility, I hold steadfast in my belief due to personal experiences that have validated this phenomenon.

Secondly, I am convinced that we retain memories from our time spent in the womb, a period known as intrauterine memories. Scientific consensus suggests that all recollections from this stage of our lives, much like those from infancy, are erased. However, I firmly believe that these memories persist, buried deep within the recesses of our brains. It is these memories that shape many of our religious beliefs, as they are often associated with the comfort we experienced while floating in the amniotic fluid within our mothers' wombs. Furthermore, memories of our mothers' heartbeat during this time form the foundation of our response to music and rhythm.

Lastly, I believe in the existence of a subconscious mind, which I prefer to call the "core mind." This core mind, operating predominantly beneath the level of consciousness, serves as the conduit connecting us with one another. It is my belief that this core mind exerts a profound influence over our actions and decisions, despite its elusive nature.

In my personal experience, I have found that art and the practice of meditation provide access to these three fundamental functions of our brains. These functions, when explored through these mediums, can offer amazing insights and benefits.

By engaging in artistic expression and meditative practices, we can unlock the imaginative potential of our minds. This allows us to think outside the box, generate innovative ideas, and approach challenges from fresh perspectives.

These practices enable us to cultivate a state of mindfulness. Through art, we can immerse ourselves in the present moment, fully attuned to our core being and the eternal now. Similarly, meditation fosters a heightened awareness when we silence the everyday chatter that fills our minds.

This introspective journey allows us to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves, our motivations, and our aspirations. It can serve as a powerful tool for personal growth and self-discovery.

My personal journey has revealed that art and the practice of meditation offer a gateway to untapped functions of our brains. By embracing these practices, we can unlock our full cognitive potential, enhance our well-being, and embark on a path of self-discovery.

There is still much that science has yet to uncover about the complexities of the human brain. However, I firmly hold the belief that with time, scientific advancements will ultimately confirm the validity of my convictions.

Indeed, the human brain is an awe-inspiring marvel, orchestrating the symphony of our existence.

Traffic Lights

(July 29, 2024)

Traffic lights, commonly known as "stop lights," could be more aptly named "go lights." Despite their seemingly insignificant and occasionally irritating nature, these traffic lights serve a crucial purpose: ensuring the smooth flow of traffic. Without them, congested intersections would bring traffic to a standstill.

The first iteration of traffic signals emerged in 1868 outside the Houses of Parliament in London, employing flags as their means of communication. From 1900 to 1920, semaphore traffic signals, similar to the ones in London, were utilized across the United States, with each state implementing its own unique design. These signals were operated by traffic officers who stood in the centers of the busy intersections.

In 1912, Lester Wire, a policeman from Salt Lake City, Utah, developed the first electric traffic light. Subsequently, in 1920, William Potts created the first four-way, three-color traffic light in Detroit, Michigan. However, these early traffic lights were not automated and required manual control by traffic officers. It was not until 1922 that automatic timers became widely employed.

A significant breakthrough occurred in 1923 when Garrett Morgan, an African American inventor from Ohio, patented the first automatic, three-way traffic signal. As the first Black citizen in Cleveland to own a car, Morgan was motivated to enhance traffic signals after witnessing an accident at an intersection.

Today, our traffic lights, now controlled by computers, continue to facilitate the smooth movement of traffic. These modern marvels ensure that vehicles can navigate intersections efficiently and safely. And since since the whole purpose of these lights is to eliminate traffic snarls, "go lights" is perhaps a more accurate name.

So, whenever you see a traffic light, let it be a reminder that even this lowly device has a history which reinforces our appreciation of the miraculous world that is all around us.

Comic Strips
(July 15, 2024)

Comic strips may appear incongruous when associated with something as extraordinary as the miraculous. However, upon closer examination of the diverse array of themes and genres encapsulated within comic strips, one may begin to perceive them in a new and enlightening manner.

Comic strips provide opportunities for humor, ongoing soap opera-like storylines, self-contained messages, political satire, alternate realities, and educational snippets of history and facts. Most importantly, they offer implicit or explicit commentary on real-life situations. Comic strips allow us to gain insight into the mindset of individuals during specific eras, helping us piece together personal and national perspectives, as well as political and societal leanings.

American cartoonists, who rose to prominence in newspapers during the early 20th century, drew inspiration from the rich European comic art tradition, particularly the art of caricature. However, it was the advent of two American innovations in the 1920s that truly revolutionized the readership of newspaper comics. Firstly, the introduction of paper mâché printing matrices, achieved through photomechanical reproductions of the artists' original work, facilitated swift and cost-effective distribution of text and imagery on newspaper pages, both nationally and internationally. Secondly, the emergence of comic art syndication as a business model allowed artists to sell and distribute their work on a global scale.

Taking a retrospective view of the mid-20th century, we find ourselves in the midst of a golden age of comics, capturing the diverse perspectives of that era, which was marked by significant societal changes. The artists who contributed to this period have left behind a legacy of artistic representations that, even after half a century, continue to offer us profound insights into their intended messages.

Moreover, the utilization of comic imagery across various media platforms, including comic books, television, and film, has opened up new avenues for interpreting the same comic themes. These adaptations provide alternative lenses through which we can decipher the subject matter and uncover the underlying messages.

One of my all-time favorite comic strips from the past is Walt Kelly's Pogo. This strip chronicled the escapades of its anthropomorphic animal characters, prominently featuring the title character, an opossum. Notably, Pogo was crafted to appeal to both children and adults, cleverly incorporating layers of social and political satire specifically aimed at the latter audience.

Comic strips have a unique ability to blend humor and profound insights, making them a powerful medium for exploring complex ideas. The juxtaposition of the ordinary and the extraordinary in comic strips allows us to see the miraculous in everyday life. By presenting familiar situations in a visually engaging format, comic strips invite us to reconsider our preconceived notions and discover hidden depths within the seemingly mundane.

Autobiographical Comic
An Autobiographical Comic Panel

Comic strips have the remarkable ability to capture the essence of human emotions and experiences in a concise and relatable manner. Through their clever use of dialogue, imagery, and symbolism, comic strips can convey profound messages that resonate with readers on a deep level. They serve as a mirror to society, reflecting our joys, struggles, and triumphs, while also offering a fresh perspective on the world around us.

The remarkable fact that these seemingly simple, cartoonish drawings possess the power to portray our ideas and emotions accurately and so poignantly is truly awe-inspiring.

(July 7, 2024)

Skyscrapers have become synonymous with modern urban landscapes around the world. These towering structures serve both practical purposes and hold symbolic significance, representing power, innovation, and progress. In this essay, I want to explore the practical functions of skyscrapers as well as the deeper symbolism attached to these iconic buildings, using several examples to illustrate their importance.

From a practical standpoint, skyscrapers are designed to maximize space in densely populated urban areas. By building vertically, cities are able to accommodate a large number of people and businesses without sprawling outwards. Skyscrapers house offices, residential units, retail spaces, and sometimes even recreational facilities, making them multifunctional and convenient for urban dwellers. For example, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai stands as the tallest building in the world, housing luxury apartments, corporate offices, a hotel, and an observation deck, serving a wide range of purposes within a single structure.

Beyond their practical purposes, skyscrapers also hold symbolic value in society. These towering structures often represent economic prosperity, technological advancement, and the ambition of mankind to reach new heights. The Empire State Building in New York City, for instance, was constructed during the Great Depression and symbolized hope and resilience during a challenging time. It has since become a symbol of the city and a representation of American ingenuity and progress.

In addition to representing economic and technological prowess, skyscrapers also serve as symbols of power and influence. The Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, for example, were built as a symbol of Malaysia's economic growth and status as a global player. These twin towers are not only architectural marvels but also serve as a reminder of the country's success and influence on a global scale.

Moreover, skyscrapers can also serve as symbols of cultural identity and pride. The Shanghai Tower in China, for instance, stands as a symbol of modern Chinese architecture and innovation. This skyscraper integrates cutting-edge design elements with traditional Chinese motifs, showcasing a harmonious blend of the past and the future. It has become a source of national pride and a symbol of China's emergence as a global powerhouse.

In conclusion, skyscrapers serve practical purposes by maximizing space in urban areas, but they also hold deep symbolism as representations of power, progress, and cultural identity. Through examples such as the Burj Khalifa, Empire State Building, Petronas Towers, and Shanghai Tower, we see how these iconic structures shape the landscapes of our cities and embody the aspirations and achievements of societies around the world. Skyscrapers are more than just buildings; they are symbols of human ingenuity and the relentless pursuit of excellence.

Learning to Ride a Bicycle

The story about how I learned to ride a bicycle was truly unique and unlike any other. You might even say it was a  miraculous experience with lifelong benefits beyond bicycle riding.

It all began when I received a bicycle with training wheels for Christmas when I was around six or seven years old. Excited to try it out, I immediately wanted to take it for a spin.

Despite my father’s efforts to teach me, I struggled right from the start. The bicycle felt much different from my tricycle - it was difficult to pedal and wobbled uncontrollably. Frustrated and disappointed, I ended up back inside the house in tears.

Over the next few years, I made repeated attempts to ride the bicycle, all resulting in failure. Even after the training wheels were removed, I still couldn't seem to get the hang of it. Eventually, I gave up and the bicycle was stored away in the basement.

It wasn't until I was around twelve years old that I had a dream about riding the bicycle. The dream was so vivid that I could actually feel the sensation of riding it. I can remember that dream today with complete clarity.

The following day, I knew I was going to ride the bicycle and was excited to give it another shot. Just like in my dream, I got the bicycle from the basement, jumped on it, and was able to ride it with ease. It was a liberating and exciting experience.

Looking back, I realized that the key to riding a bicycle was simply having enough confidence to pedal fast enough to maintain balance. My lack of confidence and fearfulness had been holding me back all those years.

In learning to ride a bicycle, I learned a valuable lesson - sometimes, our lack of confidence and fear of trying something new can prevent us from enjoying new experiences.

This lesson helped me realize how important it is to push past our fears and doubts in order to truly grow and expand our horizons.

Just like learning to ride a bike, taking that initial leap of faith can lead to incredible opportunities and a sense of accomplishment. Embracing the unknown and stepping out of our comfort zones can open doors to exciting adventures and personal growth. So whenever I’m faced with a new challenge, I’m encouraged by the lesson of the bicycle to maintain confidence in myself and not let fear hold me back. I think the way that happened is truly miraculous.

I hope you find encouragement in my story too. Perhaps you can think of an instance in your own life when you initially believed you lacked the ability to do something but eventually discovered that you could actually do it quite well. Those kinds of lessons are some of the most valuable lessons we can learn.

Trusting Others – Trusting Ourselves
June 7, 2024

Trust is essential in all aspects of life. It is not only crucial for building relationships with others, but also for fostering self-confidence within ourselves. As we navigate through our life’s journey, we come to realize the significance of trust and the role it plays in the grand scheme of things.

Trusting others is a fundamental pillar of human interaction. It allows us to form meaningful connections, establish partnerships, and collaborate effectively. By placing our trust in others, we open ourselves up to the possibility of growth, learning, and shared success. It is through trust that we can build a strong support system, relying on the expertise and reliability of those around us.

However, trust is not solely an external concept. It also plays a vital role in our relationship with ourselves. Trusting ourselves is an act of self-assurance and belief in our abilities. It is about having faith in our decisions, actions, and capabilities. When we trust ourselves, we become more resilient, adaptable, and confident in facing life's challenges.

Discovering our own place in the grand scheme of things is a profound realization. It is through trust that we can fully embrace our purpose and contribute meaningfully to the world. By trusting others and ourselves, we become active participants in the interconnected web of life, understanding that our actions have the power to create positive change.

Clearly, trust is a cornerstone of both personal and professional growth. It enables us to forge strong connections with others and empowers us to believe in our own potential. By recognizing the importance of trust and our role in the larger picture, we can navigate through life with confidence, purpose, and a sense of fulfillment.

ESP, Fortune Telling, and Reincarnation
May 18, 2024

If you were to inquire about my beliefs regarding the authenticity of ESP, fortune telling, or reincarnation, I would find it challenging to provide a simple, straightforward response.

Allow me to explain.

I recognize numerous instances where individuals seem to possess knowledge beyond the limitations of their five senses. This heightened awareness often pertains to a friend or relative who resides at a considerable distance from the person experiencing this phenomenon.

I have on occasion experienced this ability myself.

Like ESP, I also concede that there are occurrences where individuals quite accurately predict future events.

I am also acquainted with situations where individuals exhibit distinct characteristics, interests, and aversions that cannot be explained by any known factors, except for the possibility that they
are the reincarnation of someone who existed in a previous era.

Although I acknowledge the existence of these phenomena, my explanation deviates somewhat from the conventional reasoning that these phenomena are simply products of the imagination or certain people have supernormal abilities.

My underlying premise behind these occurrences remains consistent – that the entirety of humanity, encompassing the past, present, and future, manifests itself as a single, interconnected entity. If we are all interconnected, it becomes plausible for all of us to establish conscious connections with others who exist in distant times or places.

Regrettably, I cannot provide a comprehensive explanation as to how this transpires; I can only acknowledge its existence.

I am not even close to being the first to advance this belief; it has been described by mystics over the ages.

While I may not be able to delve into the intricate details of this union of all humanity, it is valuable to recognize its presence and impact.

The enigmatic nature of its workings only adds to the intrigue surrounding it. Although we may not fully comprehend its mechanisms, we must not dismiss its significance. Instead, let us embrace the mystery and explore the possibilities that lie within. By acknowledging its existence, we open ourselves up to a world of curiosity and wonder, ready to uncover the secrets of the ages that await us.

Lost Memories
May 2, 2024

The history of our far distant past, specifically our origin as an intelligent species, has for obvious reasons never been recorded. Even so, it exists as a kind of elusive secret; just beyond our grasp, although we possess a lingering sense of its existence. This enigmatic secret is also subtly alluded to in numerous ancient texts. Notably, it can be found within the pages of the Bible, both in the Old Testament and the New Testament.

In the Old Testament of the Bible, we witness Elijah ascending the trail to the summit of Sinai, the sacred mountain and the dwelling place of the Lord in the realm of the unknown. It is here that God whispers in Elijah’s ear. It is plausible that fragments of this hidden wisdom were recorded in other places in the Bible and other sacred writings.

For example, the Gospels also contain traces of this enigma, most notably in the Gospel of Mark. Jesus, when questioned about his preference for teaching in the form of parables, which were akin to riddles in ancient Israel, explains that he intentionally obscures as much as he reveals. This deliberate obfuscation serves a purpose, concealing elements of this secret knowledge from those who are not ready to comprehend its profound implications.

It is undeniable that the memory of our species' origins has been veiled in mystery, obscured by the passage of time. Nevertheless, intriguing clues about this forgotten past can be gleaned from ancient texts, including the Bible. The account of Elijah ascending Mount Sinai, where he met with Yahweh who whispered a secret teaching, stands as a clue to the existence of this concealed knowledge. While the transmission of this wisdom may have been flawed, fragments of it might have been safeguarded in noncanonical texts such as Jubilees.

As we delve into the depths of history, it becomes evident that our understanding of our species' origins is shrouded in uncertainty. The passage of time has cast a veil over the truth, leaving us with fragmented glimpses of our forgotten past. However, amidst this haze of mystery, ancient texts like the Bible offer intriguing insights.

The story of Elijah ascending Mount Sinai and God whispering in his ear stands as a beacon of hope, illuminating the existence of a hidden knowledge that has been concealed from us for ages and its ultimate revelation.

The enigmatic nature of our species' beginnings has left us yearning for answers, as the passage of time has obscured the truth. However, within the pages of ancient texts, such as the Bible, we find tantalizing glimpses of this forgotten past.

In our relentless pursuit of knowledge, we cannot ignore the significance of these ancient texts. They provide us with valuable insights into our species' origins, shedding light on the enigmatic past that has long eluded us.

 Weaving Golden Strands
                                      Transcendental Painting
Figure 6 Weaving Golden Strands, Acrylic on Canvas

The utilization of hypnosis, automatic writing, and drawing has unveiled a potential gateway to the forgotten memories of our ancient origins. Additionally, intuitively created transcendental art also serves to uncover these lost memories. This intriguing exploration suggests that there may be a profound connection between these techniques and a subconscious connection with our ancestral past.

April 20, 2024

Is there anything more awe-inspiring than a breathtaking sunset?

Each day, we can rely on the sun's descent, often painting the evening sky with a mesmerizing palette of colors. It leaves us in awe of the vast, majestic heavens that stretch wide across the Earth.

While a sunrise represents rebirth and awakening, a sunset symbolizes a reset in our lives as we prepare to greet the dawn of a new morning, the promise of a fresh start.

As the sun sets and the moon rises, take a moment to appreciate the glory of the golden hour as the sky transitions into dusk. Embrace the tranquility and stillness that envelops the world around you. Breathe deeply as the sun disappears below the horizon, reflecting on your accomplishments of the day and setting goals for tomorrow.

I am captivated by the unfolding beauty of a sunset. The harmonious blend of vibrant colors - orange, red, yellow, and sometimes hints of blue and purple - creates a stunning canvas in the sky.

The sky is a magnificent canvas, constantly evolving and painting a new masterpiece each day.
Life follows a similar pattern.

We must craft our own life canvas, continuously learning and growing. We stagnate when we cease to learn, when we fail to reevaluate our beliefs based on the stimuli we encounter in our environment, and when we neglect to enrich ourselves through encounters with diversity. In short, growth is essential.

When we gaze at the sky and witness a sunset, it should serve as a reminder of how we should approach life. We should apply the principle of expansion, embracing growth in our own life experiences.

Just as a sunrise cannot exist without a sunset, joys cannot exist without sorrows in our lives. When one door closes, another opens. We must find our path in infinite time and keep moving forward, embracing everything that life throws our way.

I find great solace in observing a sunset, recognizing that its beauty and grandeur are beyond my control. Similarly, life presents us with a multitude of experiences that we cannot manipulate to our liking. Instead, we must embrace these encounters as opportunities for growth and enlightenment, allowing them to enrich our existence.

To truly live a fulfilling life, we must remain receptive to new narratives and resist the temptation to confine ourselves within the boundaries of familiarity. It is imperative that we relinquish our desire for control and instead surrender to the infinite rhythm of life.

Expanding our horizons requires us to venture beyond our comfort zones, pushing the limits of our understanding and seeking a deeper purpose. By embracing novelty and embracing the unknown, we can embark on a transformative journey that transcends the mere pursuit of a destination.

In this pursuit, it is crucial to maintain unwavering confidence in our purpose, while simultaneously finding joy in the process itself. Rather than fixating solely on the final result, we must relish every step of the way, savoring the lessons and experiences that shape us.
In essence, life is an unfolding tapestry of moments, each offering its own unique wisdom and beauty. By adopting an open-minded approach, we can flow with the current of life as we embrace its unpredictable nature and the boundless growth that accompanies it.

March 28, 2024

Spirals are an archetypal shape that can be observed throughout nature.

Spirals can be found in various forms such as the DNA double helix, sunflowers, the swirling of draining water, weather patterns like hurricanes, vine tendrils, phyllotaxis (the arrangement of leaves on a plant stem), galaxies, the horns of animals, mollusk shells, the nautilus shell, snail shells, whirlpools, ferns, and algae.

Even a cross section of red cabbage or a fingerprint on your own finger reveals the presence of spirals. It is remarkable how spirals permeate diverse natural formations, whether they are inorganic or organic, lifeless, or alive, non-conscious or conscious.

The prevalence of spirals in nature, coupled with the sacred significance humans attribute to the natural world, has led to their incorporation in religious and sacred architecture.

The utilization of spirals in sacred architecture not only showcases their aesthetic appeal but also reflects the deep spiritual connections humans have with the natural world. The spiral motif serves as a powerful reminder of the interplay between nature, divinity, and human existence.

Spirals are not only prevalent in religious architecture, art, and design, but they also hold a special aesthetic appeal for humans due to their inherent connection with nature. It is intriguing to ponder why nature consistently manifests this shape in various forms, such as flowers and galaxies. Surely, this cannot be mere random chance. Is there a scientific explanation for this profound association, or does it remain an enigma yet to be unraveled?

whirlpool acrylic
Whirlpool Acrylic on Canvas, 20 x 16

Museum quality reproductions of this beautifully luminous painting
are available in a variety of sizes (framed or unframed) at
imagekind link
Click to see details & prices.

(March 20, 2024)

There are numerous obstacles that impede our ability to fully understand and appreciate the miracles that envelop us.

One significant obstacle is the prevalence of false notions that cloud our perception. These misconceptions hinder our ability to acknowledge and embrace the extraordinary occurrences that unfold right in front of us.

A prime illustration of this is the fallacy that time is finite, whereas in reality, time is infinite, devoid of any commencement or conclusion.

These false notions about time often lead us to rush through life, constantly feeling the pressure to achieve and accomplish as much as possible within a limited timeframe. However, if we can let go of this fallacy and recognize the infinite nature of time, we can find a sense of peace and contentment in the present moment. Embracing the idea that time is boundless allows us to fully appreciate the beauty and wonder of each passing second, without the constant worry of running out of time.

The feeling of loneliness can also act as a formidable barrier to our appreciation of the miraculous. When we are consumed by a sense of isolation, it becomes increasingly challenging to connect with the beauty and awe-inspiring phenomena that surround us. This emotional barrier can prevent us from immersing ourselves completely in the wonders of the world.

We often come across another significant hurdle: the apprehension that we are being overwhelmed by circumstances beyond our control. This sense of unease compels individuals to strive for control over every aspect of their lives.

As individuals strive for control, they are likely to become consumed by greed. This insatiable desire for more stems from the fear of being overwhelmed by circumstances beyond their control. Greed becomes a way to assert dominance and ensure a sense of security in an unpredictable world. However, this relentless pursuit of control and material possessions often leads to a never-ending cycle of dissatisfaction and unhappiness.

By acknowledging and addressing these barriers, we can begin to unlock a deeper understanding and appreciation of the extraordinary aspects of life. In this way, the obstacles we face can serve as catalysts for personal growth and improvement.

Card Games
(March 1, 2024)

I awoke this morning reminiscing about my childhood and the card games my brother and I used to play. We had three favorites: Crazy Eights, Old Maid, and Go Fish. Among these, Go Fish was our number one favorite.

During my college years, my friends introduced me to a whole new set of card games. I learned how to play Gin Rummy, Contract Bridge, Blackjack, and Poker. Out of all these games, Bridge became my personal favorite.

Although I enjoyed playing these card games, I must admit that I never excelled at any of them. My lack of skill eventually led me to lose interest in playing card games altogether.

It seems that card playing was more popular in previous generations than it is today. For instance, my paternal grandparents were avid card players. My Gammy belonged to a bridge club exclusively for women, while my Granddad had his own group of poker playing buddies.
I think that a lot of people today tend to think of playing cards as a waste of time.

I am aware that some religious individuals view card playing as "the work of the Devil." This belief likely stems from the association of cards with gambling and fortune telling, activities considered sinful by certain religious groups.

There are a few intriguing aspects about a standard deck of playing cards that catch my attention. Firstly, there are four suits, two black and two red. This reminds me of the four seasons, with two being warm and two being cold.

Furthermore, a deck consists of fifty-two cards, mirroring the number of weeks in a year. Additionally, there are twelve face cards, symbolizing the months in a year as well as Jesus's twelve disciples.

The presence of face cards alongside numbered cards seems to represent the distinction between the noble class and the commoners.

Moreover, the fact that aces, representing the number one, are often valued higher than kings could be seen as a representation of the one God above all.

Playing cards can be seen as a microcosm of society, with each suit representing a different social group. The spades, often associated with the military, symbolize the ruling class and their power. The hearts, on the other hand, represent the clergy and their influence over the people. The diamonds may signify the wealthy merchants and their economic dominance, while the clubs could represent the working class and their labor. Together, these suits create a visual representation of the social hierarchy and the interconnectedness of different societal groups.

When we delve into the symbolism of playing cards, it becomes apparent that they were designed to reflect life and the social order during the Age of Chivalry within the context of a year.

It never ceases to amaze me how games, in all their various forms, often serve as mirrors reflecting humanity's perception of life and the world. I believe these games represent our collective endeavor to make sense of and find meaning in a seemingly chaotic existence.

Can you think of any games that also mirror life?

(February 15, 2024)

Imagination is a powerful motivator, both for good and for bad. It can either make you ill or enable you to reach your full potential. Imagination is undeniably vital in our lives.
Imagination fuels creativity and innovation. It allows us to envision new possibilities and think outside the box. With imagination, we can come up with groundbreaking ideas and solutions to complex problems. It is the driving force behind scientific discoveries, technological advancements, and artistic masterpieces.

Imagination also plays a crucial role in personal growth and self-improvement. By imagining ourselves achieving our goals and visualizing success, we can boost our confidence and motivation to strive for greatness. Moreover, imagination fosters empathy and understanding by enabling us to put ourselves in someone else's shoes and see the world from their perspective. It helps us build connections, bridge differences, and create a more compassionate society. In essence, imagination is not just a motivator, but a catalyst for positive change and limitless potential.

The power of imagination is immense, capable of wreaking havoc when channeled negatively. It possesses the ability to paralyze individuals with fear or even inflict severe illness upon them.

Phobias, at their core, stem from the depths of imagination. Fear and worry derive their strength from the vast realm of the imagination.

Nothing holds a greater sway over the subconscious than the force of imagination.

If imagination were to vanish, psychiatrists would find themselves without a purpose. Undoubtedly, imagination wields an extraordinary influence.

Consider for a moment the immense potential for good that could be harnessed if the full force of imagination were directed towards constructive endeavors.

I'm not exaggerating when I say your imagination has the power to revolutionize your life! In fact, it serves as the key to unlocking your inner creative genius, eagerly awaiting its moment to shine on the grand stage of life!

Sensations, Perceptions, and Concepts

(February 1, 2024)

As an artist, I am deeply intrigued by the interplay of sensations, perceptions, and concepts, and their collective role in our comprehension of reality. These terms hold immense significance as they form the foundation of our understanding.

Upon conducting a search, I have obtained the following definitions for these three terms: "Sensation and perception are distinct yet closely intertwined processes. Sensation refers to the input received by our sensory receptors from the physical world, while perception involves the brain's selection, organization, and interpretation of these sensations. In essence, our senses serve as the physiological foundation for perception. It is important to note that perception of the same sensory input can vary among individuals due to differences in their learning, memory, emotions, and expectations. In the realm of psychology, conception refers to the mind's capacity to generate ideas and develop an understanding of them."

In the realm of understanding human experience, it is crucial to distinguish between sensations, perceptions, and concepts. Sensation represents the raw input we receive through our sensory receptors, allowing us to perceive the physical world around us. On the other hand, perception is the intricate process by which our brain filters, organizes, and makes sense of these sensations. It is through perception that we derive meaning and construct our understanding of the world.

While sensations provide the foundation for perception, it is important to recognize that each individual's perception may differ due to a multitude of factors. Our unique experiences, memories, emotions, and expectations shape the way our brain interprets and processes sensory information. Consequently, what one person perceives may not necessarily align with another's interpretation, highlighting the subjective nature of perception.

Furthermore, the concept of conception, as applied in psychology, plays a pivotal role in our cognitive abilities. It refers to our mind's remarkable capacity to form ideas and develop an understanding of them. Through conception, we are able to generate mental representations of abstract notions, enabling us to navigate complex thoughts and engage in higher-level thinking.

In summary, sensations, perceptions, and concepts are interconnected elements that contribute to our understanding of the world. Sensations serve as the initial input, while perceptions shape our interpretation of these sensations. Concepts are the mental frameworks that we use to organize and make sense of our perceptions.

Concepts allow us to categorize and label the information we receive from our senses, enabling us to form a coherent understanding of the world around us. Without concepts, our perceptions would remain fragmented and disconnected, lacking any meaningful structure. By combining sensations, perceptions, and concepts, we are able to construct a comprehensive and meaningful representation of reality. This interconnectedness highlights the intricate nature of human cognition and the importance of these elements in shaping our understanding of the world.


(January 18, 2024)


Colors are the wondrous creations that emerge from our perception of light. Light is both an illuminating force and the very essence that energizes our vision. It symbolizes understanding and wisdom, embodying a profound significance.

The presence of color, or what we refer to as "colorfulness," signifies vitality and captivates our interest. Conversely, the absence of color, often described as "lackluster," is associated with lifelessness and a lack of excitement.

The perception and response to colors are subjective processes, varying from person to person in terms of scope, acuity, and interpretation. Our reactions to different color hues are deeply intertwined with our fundamental thought and emotional patterns. In fact, one's response to colors can reveal a great deal about their personality and inner world. Color, therefore, serves as a remarkably poignant means of expressing various states of feeling.

The phenomena of color cannot be fully encapsulated within any verbal or mathematical system of definition, description, or categorization. No matter how well-conceived or skillfully executed, no chart or series of charts can ever encompass the multifaceted nature of this subject.

A rational study of color can serve as a pathway to exploration, expanding our awareness and appreciation of the vast array of varieties, contrasts, and harmonies that exist among colors. The purpose of such a study is not to impose rigid codes or dogmas but rather to amplify and enhance our understanding. It is an invitation to delve into the depths of color, allowing it to enrich our lives.

The acquisition of knowledge about color should not diminish our sense of awe; instead, it should enliven it. It is a reminder of that childlike wonder we experience when we are confronted with the miraculous.

(January 3, 2024)

Rhythm is an inherent and pervasive force that permeates our world. It is a universal phenomenon, evident not only in music but also in the intricate workings of nature and the very essence of all living beings.

Even our solar system, with its celestial bodies in constant motion, adheres to a rhythmic pattern. The earth, for instance, gracefully orbits the sun, completing its revolution every 365 days, 5 hours, 59 minutes, and 16 seconds. This rhythmic dance of the earth around the sun gives rise to the four distinct seasons, marked by solstices and equinoxes that occur predictably at specific times.

Furthermore, the passage of time itself follows a rhythmic sequence. Each day, spanning twenty-four hours, unfolds in a harmonious progression of morning, noon, evening, and night. This cyclical nature of time provides a sense of order and structure to our lives.

In the realm of human existence, rhythm manifests in our growth and development. From the moment of birth, we embark on a journey that encompasses infancy, maturity, and ultimately, old age. Each stage of life possesses its own unique purpose and advantages, contributing to the symphony of human experience.
Meditation Art
Heartbeat, Acrylic on Canvas

Even our daily routines are governed by rhythm. We spend approximately one-third of our lives in slumber, replenishing our bodies and minds, while the remaining two-thirds are dedicated to wakefulness and activity. This delicate balance between rest and productivity underscores the importance of rhythm in our lives.

Moreover, rhythm is intricately woven into the very fabric of our physical being. Our heartbeat and breathing follow a rhythmic pattern, synchronizing with the cadence of life itself. It is through these innate rhythms that we find a profound connection to the world around us.

Rhythm finds its most expressive form in the arts. Poetry, music, and dance serve as powerful mediums to convey and celebrate the essence of rhythm. They allow us to tap into the universal language of rhythm, transcending barriers and evoking emotions that words cannot describe.

Note: high quality fine arts reproductions of the painting, Heartbeat, are available for purchase at


Prehistoric Art
(December 14, 2023)

The earliest known artwork is attributed to prehistoric artists, who created cave paintings, as well as small sculpted figures and carvings.

Many of the prehistoric paintings were executed on cave walls and primarily depicted the crucial activities of hunting and gathering food. As survival depended on their ability to succeed in these endeavors, art served as a means for them to visualize success. The underlying concept of their achievements lay in effective planning and communal cooperation, which was effectively conveyed through their art.

The small sculpted figures of prehistoric times served as amulets, objects that individuals could wear or carry with them. It was believed that these amulets enhanced fertility for women and ensured success in hunting for men.

The people of that era had limited understanding of fertility, childbirth, and animal behavior, which were profound mysteries to them. Consequently, prehistoric art emerged as an attempt to comprehend these enigmas.

It is widely speculated that artists of that time were likely shamans, individuals who possessed magical abilities and held spiritual leadership roles. Recent art historians have also proposed the possibility that women were responsible for a significant portion, if not the majority, of prehistoric art. However, I remain skeptical about the extent to which women would have been permitted to produce art on the scale of cave walls in a male-dominated society.

The art of prehistory serves as a conduit, enabling us to establish a psychological connection with our ancestors who created it. It allows for a one-to-one connection with the artist, bridging the gap across time and providing insight into their lives, thoughts, and emotions. Art serves as a vital means of connecting with the people of the past, offering a glimpse into their world.

Prehistoric art holds immense significance as the earliest form of artistic expression. It not only reflects the fundamental activities and beliefs of prehistoric communities but also provides a means for us to connect with our ancestors on a profound level. Through art, we can gain insight into their lives, thoughts, and emotions,

Furthermore, prehistoric art allows us to appreciate the ingenuity and creativity of our ancestors. The intricate cave paintings and sculptures demonstrate their ability to observe and interpret the world around them, despite the limited resources and tools available. By studying these ancient artworks, we can gain a deeper understanding of the human capacity for imagination and expression. Additionally, prehistoric art serves as a reminder of our shared human history and the universal desire for self-expression that transcends time and cultural boundaries.

Behold the Miraculous!

(December 1, 2023)
I once had the pleasure of reading a captivating book titled "In Search of the Miraculous." This autobiography chronicled the journey of a man who yearned to experience a metaphysical perception of reality. Recently, I found myself reflecting on this book and questioning the author's premise, which seemed rather lofty given its title.

In my opinion, the pursuit of the miraculous does not require an arduous search or the study of obscure teachings, as if there were a secret key to unlock its wonders. Instead, all we need to do is open our eyes and pay attention to the awe-inspiring miracles that surround us.

But what exactly constitutes the miraculous? This blog aims to explore that very question.

We'll begin by examining an example of the miraculous that is right before your eyes - the words you are currently reading.

Allow me to elaborate.

Before your eyes, my thoughts are meticulously encoded on your screen through a series of alphanumerical characters. As you decipher these markings, you are able to comprehend the thoughts I am thinking. I find this form of communication truly miraculous.

The written word holds a sense of wonder because it has taken countless centuries for humanity to develop this remarkable and versatile system of communication that we now possess. It is crucial to remember that reading and writing enable us to connect with one another, regardless of geographical or chronological distances.

Thomas Carlyle eloquently stated, "Certainly the art of writing is the most miraculous of all things man has devised."

Carlyle Quote

Writing is not merely a means of conveying information; it is also a vehicle for artistic expression. It allows us to tell captivating stories, imagine fantastical worlds, deliver inspiring sermons, and recite beautiful poetry.

Consider, for a moment, the evolution of the Western alphabet. These twenty-six characters possess a rich and multifaceted history that dates back centuries. They have been shaped and refined by countless individuals, each contributing to the development of this extraordinary tool of communication.

The origins of writing can be traced back to the earliest forms of mapmaking and record keeping, which utilized symbols that evolved into pictographs. These pictographs eventually developed into a rudimentary form of written communication.

However, it is important to note that the earliest known formalized writing system, cuneiform, despite its simple design, was not the first form of writing. Certainly, many writing styles preceded cuneiform.

Following cuneiform, the Egyptians introduced hieroglyphics, which were later succeeded by the Phoenician alphabet. Subsequently, the Greek and Roman alphabets emerged, establishing the foundation for the letter forms we employ today.

Moreover, the early Roman alphabet gave rise to various offshoots, including the Hebrew, Celtic, and Cyrillic alphabets. These diverse writing systems have played a significant role in shaping the history of writing, mirroring the development of civilization itself.

The font utilized in this blog is called Arial and is one of the core fonts for the web, having been created specifically for its legibility.
Renowned calligrapher Donald Jackson aptly stated, "The marks that have endured from mankind's earliest experiments with the alphabet not only serve as tangible evidence of human ingenuity and skill but also provide an intimate connection to our hearts and minds, much like the handwriting of a dear friend. The evolution of letter forms is, in essence, the narrative of humanity."

Indeed, the evolution of writing closely parallels the broader history of humanity. It encapsulates our collective journey and sheds light on our present state. This historical account reveals a remarkable aspect of our nature – an unwavering drive, as Jackson refers to it as 'ingenuity,' that propels us forward in a grand adventure towards a more enriched existence. This adventure is characterized by an ever-increasing mutual understanding of our identity and our place in the world.

In conclusion, the history of writing not only serves as a testament to human progress but also unveils our innate desire for growth and comprehension. It is a testament to our relentless pursuit of a more profound and interconnected life.