Learn How to Use Art for Deep Meditation
and Effective Visualization

Bennecelli Transcendental Art
The Artist and His Meditation Art
at a Recent Exhibition

Bennecelli's masterpieces, known as "Luminous Streams# paintings, not only showcase his metaphysical visions but possess an extraordinary ability to elevate the consciousness of those who behold them. With their captivating colors and fluid forms, these artworks effortlessly seize the attention of viewers, transporting them to a realm of tranquility and expanded awareness. The therapeutic impact of Bennecelli's art is profound, offering a sanctuary for the mind to seek solace and rejuvenation. By immersing ourselves in the sheer beauty of these paintings, we can rediscover a renewed sense of inner peace and clarity, ultimately enriching our mental well-being.

These captivating paintings possess the transforming power to expand our awareness, enabling us to forge a connection with our subconscious and awaken a new sense of wonder. By immersing ourselves in Bennecelli's artwork, we embark on a transforming journey of self-reflection and personal growth.

Bennecelli's paintings ignite the flames of creativity, evoking a sense of transcendence that encourages us to venture into uncharted territories with a newfound familiarity. In this remarkable way, his art beckons us to embrace the exquisite beauty of artistic expression and discover inner peace and serenity.
Meditation Art
to view fine arts prints of Bennecelli's
Luminous Streams paintings for meditation

"Luminous Streams# ART
Four-Dimensional Visualization & Meditation
Guided by Bennecelli

CLICK HERE to purchase your copy of the painting used in this meditation video
Meditation Art
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CLICK HERE to Purchase These and Other Prints
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  CLICK HERE to download a free printed guide to
4-D Visualization & Meditation

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For information about my personalized meditation paintings,
visit LifePaths.Art
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Life Paths Personalized Enhanced Meditation Art

"Luminous Streams# Transcendental Art

Currents of energy intertwining
In infinite space combining,
Colors, textures, and forms designing,
The elements of nature defining,
To music and dance inclining,
A sublime vision of life divining.


About Bennecelli's Art

After graduating from art school in 1972, Bennecelli distanced himself from the world of fine arts for over forty years. He made this decision for two distinct reasons. Firstly, his creative focus shifted towards teaching, and secondly, he believed that fine art had lost its sense of direction.

Upon reentering the art world, Bennecelli soon realized that his reasons for stepping away had been justified. The art world was still trapped in the same directionless condition as it had been in 1972.

Bennecelli's departure from the art world and subsequent return were driven by a combination of personal and artistic reasons. His dedication to teaching and his belief in the decline of the fine arts as a cultural force led him to step away for several decades. However, his reentry into the art world was sparked by vivid dreams that provided him with a renewed sense of purpose and inspiration. These dreams guided him towards the study of sacred texts and presented him with a captivating vision, which he transformed into a prolific series of paintings known as "Luminous Streams.#

Bennecelli views his paintings two ways -- first, as beautiful, engaging decorative designs and second, in more depth, as images that portray elements of a reality and forces of nature beyond the realm of the five senses. This is a transcendental vision from his subconscious -- a way forward for a troubled and uncertain world full of doubts and skepticism and teetering on the edge of destruction of ourselves and the planet.

The major theme of Bennecelli's art is the timeless beauty of the rhythmic energy of life uniting art, music, and dance through expressive lines, textures, and radiant colors. This is portrayed in a calligraphic form which engages our minds in positive ways.

Perhaps surprisingly, he does not consider his paintings to be abstract art, but rather, he sees them as embodying a new vision of reality, revealing the energy and forces at work throughout all existence. Indeed, his art is all about a vision from the subconscious that offers a way forward from our very troubled and even reckless times.

He believes it is important that we balance the scientific objectivity and the arts with a new metaphysical vision, and this is exactly what his art does.

The “Luminous Streams” paintings are created intuitively and spontaneously with minimal preliminary sketches or plans. In this way, they bring to consciousness, images (just as the vision in his dream) of reality perceived by the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is the source of a keen perception of the infinite beyond the limits of the rational, temporal mind.

His art has become his teacher and mystical guide -- presenting a way for him to attain insight and to grow in his awareness of our beautiful, shared reality beyond the realm of the five senses and to achieve a clear vision of a positive future.

Each painting is composed of just four lines (red, blue, green, and white). These colors are symbolic of emotions, intellect and spirit, physical being, and the self. Four is a significant number, e.g., four fundamental forces of the universe, four points on a compass, four seasons of the year, four classical elements, etc.

Each of the four lines enters and exits the canvas at the edges. This implies that the configuration of lines within the limits of the canvas is part of a much larger, even infinite, network.

These paintings are amazingly luminous, something which unfortunately cannot be photographed accurately. Their luminosity was created using a five-hundred-year-old technique of applying layers of transparent paint over a brightly colored ground to achieve what has been called the "Venetian Glow.” The technique was developed by the Renaissance painters of Venice, Italy.

Bennecelli's color palette is based on a color system of four complementary pairs. He does not use the traditional red-yellow-blue primary system. In fact, he developed his own system after studying color properties extensively as they relate to the spectrum, our vision, and color mixing. He has studied all the major color systems including Ostwald, Munsell, and Birren.

In addition to the shapes created by the four lines, there are two additional elements in his paintings.

First, there are small dots extending from the forms into the black void of the background. These imply rotation and help us see that the forms exist within the background and are not simply cut-outs sitting on top of the background.

Second, there are vertical or horizontal strips in many of the paintings which appear to contain archaic writing. These strips are darkly subdued in color and at first are not usually noticed. They offer a contrast between the organic forms and the geometric, the emotions and the intellect. They also imply that there is an important message contained within the paintings which is both ancient and mysterious. The strips add a sense of the mystical to the whole composition.

These paintings are truly different from Bennecelli's previous work over fifty years which includes calligraphy, realistic portraits in oils and pastels, pen and ink illustrations, monotypes, and geometric shaped canvases. He views his artwork for the past four years as the realization of his lifelong quest to create art that is truly authentic and meaningful. Thankfully it has also been enthusiastically received by the public.

Visit My Blog "Behold the Miraculous!#

Bennecelli's Paintings & Fine Art Prints
My Newest Book (60 pages, full-color)
(See Details)
                          Creativity Book

The Story of Bennecelli's 60-Year Art Quest

                  mindfulness coloring book
Bennecelli's Mindfulness Coloring Book

                        Bio Art
A New Kind of Collaborative Art which portrays your very own inner strengths & beauty!

Bennecelli's Earlier Work. You Might Be Surprised!

coming soon!
transcendental art course
Bennecelli's Academy of Transcendental Art
Presenting 8 Free Lessons that Cover Understanding
and Creating Transcendental Art,
Encompassing Neuroaesthetics
  • Introduction-Overview-Getting Started
  • A Dance of Lines
  • Textures of Texture
  • The Nature of Shapes & the Shapes of Nature
  • Awakening Color
  • Concepts of Composition
  • The Spirit of Spatiality
  • Life of Dreams - Dreams of Life

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to receive an announcement when this course is published.



Let it be known, "We are all part of the one divine luminous stream.#

bennecelli transcendental art

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